Our Heart

We are a welcoming community that lives and works in the heart of Norton Village in Teesside TS20 1EJ. Our church is our people – whether they are residents or visitors. Together we celebrate God’s love and truth through service and worship.

You are most welcome at St Marys - come as you are to seek God or to search for a deeper meaning in your life. It doesn't matter where you are on your spiritual journey... just come and learn at your own pace... asking questions, searching for wholeness, and discovering a fullness of life and blessing. 

At St Marys we learn how to relate to God through Jesus Christ. We experience Christian community. We encounter the love of Christ who transforms us as we journey together.

Every Sunday over a cup of coffee or tea there is a chance to meet people and if you would like someone to listen to you and/or pray with you, there are people who are available to do that at your convenience.